““We absolutely give permission for Angels for Higher to make a positive reference to the employees we had at the Great American Ball Park this season. The partnership truly was a success!””
— Andy Worden, General Manager, Delaware North Sportservice at Great American Ball Park
““Peter likes the Reds a lot! Thanks so much for all you are doing!””
— Peter's Mother
““Thank you for helping Kathleen find employment with the Reds!””
— Kathleen's Father
““We most definitely can be a referral for you and the work you’ve done in helping provide jobs for our members here in Cincinnati. Please feel free to reach out whenever we can help.””
— Jim Hudson, Executive Director, Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati
““Thank you so much for your kindness, your time, and for facilitating the connection and productive meeting with the Reds organization! We will certainly share the amazing story of what Angels for Higher does in changing people’s perceptions of individuals with Down syndrome through their employment at sports stadiums around the world!” ”
— Candice, Ryan’s mother
““Thank you again Robert for the work Angels for Higher does. I can’t imagine how rewarding it must be to help sports teams hire individuals with Down syndrome to work as Greeters in their stadiums!””
— Laura, Jackson’s mother
““Thank you for providing Mathew with such a positive experience! We are deeply appreciative!” ”
— Mary, Mathew’s mother
““It was Katie’s first day at the Reds Team Store yesterday. Thank you and Angels for Higher so very much for helping to make this happen. Words cannot begin to express my gratitude. Your work is amazing and greatly appreciated!””